Day 7-12 of #100DaysOfCode

Day 7-12 of #100DaysOfCode

It's has been almost a week since I posted anything here, but that doesn't mean I haven't been productive, I've just been really busy this week working on my first commission; an inventory app called inventree.


My client sells fashion items from UK brands online (you can check her out at echicstyez), she wanted an app that she could use to keep track of her goods and the buyers instead of writing it all down on books that get easily disorganised or lost. She gave me the basic features she wanted on the app and I went straight to work.

Inventree is an inventory app that helps you keep track of the amount of goods you have in stock, the prices and the buyers of those goods. The app allows you to add an item, with it's price, cost, amount in stock and date of purchase. When the item is sold, you can add buyers to it with the date it was sold to keep track of them and it subtracts from the existing stock. The app also calculates the profit made per item by subtracting the cost from the price. I made the app to my client's specifications so there are some features that she didn't mention that I'm yet to add like an edit item and remove item option, but those will be added soon. I'll also add an option to select the amount of items sold when adding a buyer, currently it only subtracts one item from the stock.

Making this app really introduced me to state management with the provider package in flutter and saving data locally using shared preferences. I had used the provider package before, a few weeks back on a to-do app that was part of a tutorial but this was the first time I had used the concepts on an actual project. It wasn't really hard to get everything working, and to be honest I find it to be better than the default state management with stateful widgets and setState({}), but I believe they both have their use cases. Getting the data to be stored locally was the biggest challenge of this project, the solution actually ended up being somewhat simple but it took me a while of botching together different code snippets from stack overflow before I found a YouTube video that had all the answers.


I loved making this one, maybe even more than I did making kiimstar. I hope my next project would be twice as fun and that I'll learn a lot from it like I did making this. You can get the source code on GitHub .

Thank you for reading!